William Kamkwamba, 2007

Book Summary
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (Young Readers' Edition)
A young boy in a village in Malawi, Africa teaches himself how to build a windmill to generate electricity for his family's farm that is beset by drought and poverty.
Malawi Windmill Boy with Big Fans, BBC News (October 2009

Author Background
Multimedia Resources
Meet The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, TeacherTube
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Official Netflix Site
Malawi is a land-locked country in southeastern Africa |
Teaching and Learning Resources
Teaching Strategies from Scholastic
Discussion Questions from University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
Teaching and Resource Guide, Boston University Libraries
Energy Makes Things Happen. Emily Morgan & Karen Ansberry. Science and Children (October 2012)
- Learn how a simple generator transforms mechanical energy (such as wind) into electrical energy
Build an Ultra-Simple Electric Generator: Wire and Spinning Magnets
Windmills: Putting Wind Energy to Work
Malawi Country Facts, BBC News
Malawi Government and Politics
Wind turbines, Zaafarana, Egypt by Hatem Moushir |
Wind Power and Wind Farms
U.S. Wind Power Finally Gets Its Sea Legs, Science Friday (September 2, 2016)
8 Countries that Produce the Most Wind Energy in the World
Solar and Wind at Berkshire East Ski Resort Charlemont, Massachusetts
- Berkshire East is the only ski area in the world to generate 100% of its electricity from renewable energy
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